Disclaimer: These types of posts make me feel all kinds of uncomfortable. I in no way, shape or form enjoy or am okay with tooting my own horn. I was raised by parents who taught us that we help people when they need it, no questions asked, expecting nothing in return. I still hold true to that mentality.
My official job title is Director of Campus Services. Basically, I do a little bit of everything. But, because no one knows what that title means, I get asked the following question at least a few times a week:
It cracks me up. How people don't understand that my major job functions are Bookstore oversight, campus-wide purchasing, off-campus housing, Athletic marketing and event management, I will never know.
One additional responsibility I have had for the last 8 months has been to help cover the position of Athletic Director. Our previous AD took on a new position at CCU in October and our new AD starts in mid-June. Because that gap covers a large span of our Athletic year, leaving the position vacant for that amount of time doesn't exactly fly so well. Insert my assistance here.
Despite my 8 years working at CCU full-time (anniversary date on May 16th Whoop Whoop) and the fact that I have helped the department out all 8 years in some capacity (through 5 Athletic Directors I believe), let me tell you what actual Athletic Director experience I have: NONE. Let me tell you what I know overall about sports:
- I enjoy watching them.
- I should never, ever try to play any of them.
- Winning is good.
AKA--I'm totally qualified.
But, I am always up for a challenge and willing to help out where a need arises. So, I've done what I can. And, as we are finishing up the school year and all of our 2012-2013 Athletic seasons have come to a close, I am happy to say that we made it. Believe me, I have made plenty of mistakes along the way and I have learned so many lessons, but we did it. Thankfully, our Athletic staff is amazing, they have stepped up to help in every way they possibly could, and they put up with my mistakes.
Having the opportunity to be a part of this department is amazing. And I am so thankful that I get the opportunity to continue working with them in a marketing role.
Here's what I've learned in my stint as Fake AD:
- Taking care of 80 student-athletes, 7 coaching staffs, endless eligibility forms, post-game statistics, athletic facilties, and a wide variety of other responsibilities is a lot of work. (FYI--Even writing that sentence makes this feel much more simple than it actually was)
- This felt like a very long and a very short 8 months all at one time.
- Our athletic staff and student-athletes are absolutely incredible.
- Every bit of extra work was absolutely worth it.
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